Journal Publications
Conference Publications
Research Projects
PhD Research Supervised
Awards & Honours
Digital Signal Processing, Adaptive Signal Processing, Data Clustering, Neural Networks, Evolutionary Computing, Swarm Intelligence, Nature Inspired Optimization, Seismic Signal Processing.
Dr. S. J. Nanda is a Senior Member IEEE. He received the PhD degree from School of Electrical Sciences, IIT Bhubaneswar on Aug. 2013. Prior to it he completed his M. Tech.(Res) from Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engg., NIT Rourkela. He received the B.E. degree in Electronics and Telecomm. Engg. from ITER, Bhubaneswar affiliated to BPUT, Odisha. He was the recipient of Canadian Research Fellowship- GSEP, from Dept. of Foreign Affairs and Intern. Trade (DFAIT), Govt. of Canada for the year 2009-10 with which he has worked at University of Western Ontario, Canada. He was awarded Best PhD thesis award at SocPros 2015 by IIT Roorkee. He received the best research paper awards IEEE ODICON-2022 at SOA University Bhubaneswar, SocPros-2020 at IIT Indore, IC3-2018 at SMIT Sikkim, SocPros-2017 at IIT Bhubaneswar, IEEE UPCON-2016 at IIT BHU and Springer OWT-2017 at MNIT. He is the recipient of prestigious IEI Young Engineers Award in the field of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering for the year 2018-19. Dr. Nanda participated as a Young Scientist in Second SCO nations Young Scientist Conclave 2023 at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bangaluru. He has received travel and research grants from SERB, UGC, CCSTDS (INSA), INAE. He is the in-charge of Digital Signal and Image Processing (DSIP) Lab. at MNIT. Under his supervision at MNIT Jaipur eight researchers have awarded PhD and five researchers are continuing their research work.
Academic Year | Level | Name | Details | Facilities |
2023-2024 | UG | Digital Signal and Image Processing Laboratory | Digital Signal and Image Processing Laboratory is located at the 2nd floor of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering. It is available for use of UG PG, and PhD Scholars. | Computing- 26 Desktops with Intel Core i7 processors, 3 Desktops with Intel Core i5 processors. Software- MATLAB 2023, LABVIEW, LATEX Hardware- National Instruments ELVIS III Boards (Ten Numbers), Emona Signal and Systems Boards (Five Numbers), Emona Communications Boards (Five Numbers), TMS320C6713 DSK Boards (Twelve Numbers), TMS320DM6437 DSP Video Boards (Two Numbers). |
Journal Name | Publisher | Role | Duration |
SN Computer Science | Springer | Guest Editor | 11-08-2023 - Present |
Title | Total Outlay (In Lacs) |
Year | Funding Agency | Role |
Electronics and ICT Academy (Phase-2) | 1005.58 | 2024-2029 | Ministry of Electronics and IT, Govt. of India | Co-PI |
5G Use Case Laboratory at MNIT Jaipur (One of the 100 5G Use Case Laboratory for Higher Educational Institutions) | 71.25 | 2023-2029 | Department of Telecommunication, Ministry of Communications, Govt. of India | PI |
Electronics and ICT Academy(Phase1) | 779.00 | 2015-2023 | Ministry of Communication and IT, Govt. of India | Co-PI |
SNo. | Type | Title | Event | Place | Schedule |
1 | Talk | Handling Equations and Mathematical Content in Latex | Faculty Development Program on Technology enabled Teaching, Learning & process for Institutes | Online at Joint FDP organized by E&ICT Academy IIT Guwahati | Feb-2025 |
2 | Keynote | AI algorithms for Seismic Signal Processing | EICT Faculty Development Program on AI and IOT driven Signal Processing & Communication: Challenges & Opportunities | Online at Dept. of ECE, NIT Warangal | Feb-2025 |
3 | Keynote | Use of Data Engineering and AI for Managing the Medicinal Plants Demand and Supply | National Workshop on Sustainable Production and Utilization of Medicinal Plants in Ayurveda Sector | National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur | Feb-2025 |
4 | Chair | Track 3 Communication | IEEE International Conference on Next Generation Communication & Information Processing (INCIP-2025) | Online at Manipal Institute of Technology, Bengaluru | Jan-2025 |
5 | Keynote | Data Clustering : Fundamentals, Advancements and Applications | Short Term Course and Faculty Development Programme on AI and ML Application in Power System | Online at Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Rourkela | Dec-2024 |
6 | Chair | IoT and AI for Energy Technologies | 2024 IEEE 11th Power India International Conference | MNIT Jaipur | Dec-2024 |
7 | Keynote | De-clustering seismicity using Machine Learning and Evolutionary Computation | AICTE ATAL Offline FDP on Adaptive, Intelligent, Distributed Signal Processing for Speech and Biomedical Application | C. V. Raman Global University, Bhubaneswar-Odisha | Dec-2024 |
8 | Chair | Embedded Systems & IoT | 1st International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing, Power, Communication and Computing (ASPCC-2024) | IIIT Bhubaneswar, Odisha | Dec-2024 |
9 | Chair | Unified Session C2 | The Unified International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Cyber-Physical Systems and Industrial AI | MNIT Jaipur | Nov-2024 |
10 | Keynote | Multi-objective Unsupervised Learning Algorithms: Concepts and Applications | Third International Conference on Innovations in Software Architecture and Computational Systems (ISACS 2024) | Online at Dr. Sudhir Chandra Sur Institute of Technology and Sports Complex, Dumdum, Kolkata, India. | Nov-2024 |
11 | Keynote | Image Segmentation using Traditional and Nature-inspired Clustering Techniques | FDP on MATLAB for Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition: From Fundamentals to Advanced Applications | Online at Jaypee Univ. of Information Tech, Solan, collaboration with EICT Academy at C-DAC, Mohali | Sep-2024 |
12 | Chair | Machine Learning and Its Applications | 3rd International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering (AMSE-2024) | Online at Centre for Data Science (CDS) and Dept. of Mathematics, Siksha O Anusandhan (Deem Univ.) | Jul-2024 |
13 | Chair | Track :3 Earth Observations | National Conference on Recent Trends in Space Technology (RTST-2024) | ISRO Regional Academic Centre for Space (RAC-S) at MNIT Jaipur | Mar-2024 |
14 | Keynote | AI algorithms for Hyperspectral Image Analysis | 5th World Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Advances and Applications (WCAIAA 2024) | Online at Sir Padampat Singhania University, Udaipur | Feb-2024 |
15 | Keynote | Multi-objective Optimization Theory and Applications | Workshop on Advanced Optimization Techniques (AOT 2023) | Department of Electrical Engineering, MNIT Jaipur | Dec-2023 |
16 | Chair | Session Chair for Signal and Image Processing | 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems (ICTSES) | Manipal University Jaipur | Dec-2023 |
17 | Chair | Session Chair for IOT and Netoerks | 17th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems | MNIT Jaipur | Dec-2023 |
18 | Member of Committee | Organizing Committee Member of IEEE ANTS 2023 | 17th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems | MNIT Jaipur | Dec-2023 |
19 | Keynote | Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Satellite Image Analysis | Student Workshop on "Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in IoT" | SKIT Jaipur | Sep-2023 |
20 | Keynote | Recent Advancements in Multi-objective Optimization Techniques and Their Applications | Faculty Development Program Intelligent Computing and Communications | Centre for Artificial Intelligence, Banasthali Vidyapith with support from DST, Govt. of India | Apr-2023 |
21 | Keynote | ChatGPT : An Overview | Second Regional Conclave of Students Chapter of The Institution of Engineers (IEI, India) | SKIT Jaipur and Rajasthan State Centre, IEI | Mar-2023 |
22 | Keynote | Multi-objective optimization algorithms for seismicity de-clustering | Second SCO Nations Young Scientist Conclave | Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bengaluru, Karnataka | Feb-2023 |
23 | Keynote | Hyperspectral image segmentation using evolutionary computing algorithms | SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, COMPUTATIONAL ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (AICECS-2023) | Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT), Manipal, Karnataka, India | Feb-2023 |
24 | Talk | Nature Inspired Optimization Algorithms for Data Clustering | 5th Siksha O Anusandhan Weekly Academic Lecture (SOAWAL 2022-23) | Centre for Data Science, Faculty of Engineering & Technology (ITER), Siksha O Anusandhan Univ. | Sep-2022 |
25 | Keynote | Engineering Applications of Optimization Techniques | FIVE DAYS Workshop on Optimization Techniques & Applications | School of Computer Science and Engineering, VIT-AP University | Jul-2022 |
26 | Talk | Nature Inspired optimization algorithms for Hyper-spectral/Multispectral image analysis | Electronics and Communication Weekend Webinar (ECWW) Series | Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Siksha O Anusandhan Univ., Bhubaneswar | Apr-2022 |
27 | Talk | Graphics in LATEX | One week online Joint FDP on "Research Methodology" | EICT Academy, IIT Guwahati | Apr-2022 |
28 | Talk | Adaptive Techniques for Digital Channel Equalization | EICT Sponsored Online FDP on "Signal and Image Processing Techniques for Next Generation Applications" | Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, NIT Warangal | Mar-2022 |
29 | Talk | Artificial Intelligence for Imaging and Computer Vision Applications | EICT FDP on "Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Communication and Signal Processing (AICSP)" | Department of Computer Science & Engineering, NIT Warangal, Telangana | Mar-2022 |
30 | Talk | Nature Inspired Meta-heuristics for Effective Clustering | FDP on "Machine Learning in Speech and Audio Processing" | Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering Birla Institute of Technology Mesra, Ranchi | Feb-2022 |
31 | Talk | Machine Learning for Seismic Signal Processing | Online Winter FDP on Machine Learning Application in Signal Processing and Communication Engineering | EICT Academy, IIT Guwahati | Jan-2022 |
32 | Talk | Fundamental of Optimization Techniques & Their Applications | AICTE-ISTE-FDP/2021-22 sponsored Induction/Refresher Program on "Optimization in Communication Engg. " | G. Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science, Hyderabad | Dec-2021 |
33 | Talk | AI applications in Hyperspectral Image Analysis | ATAL FDP on "Artificial Intelligence in Image Processing" | Indian Institute of Information Technology, Nagpur | Dec-2021 |
34 | Talk | Nature Inspired Optimization Techniques and Their Applications in System Automation | ATAL FDP on "Trends in Measurement and Control for System Automation" | Birla Institute of Technology Mesra, Ranchi Campus | Sep-2021 |
35 | Talk | Data Clustering Techniques and Their Applications | Online Faculty Development Program on "Data Mining and Security with Machine Learning" | Graduate School of Engineering and Technology, Gujarat Technological University | Oct-2020 |
36 | Talk | Recent trends in design of Digital Channel Equalizers | TEQIP III Sponsored Two Weeks Online Faculty Development Program on "Recent Research Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering" | G.B. PANT INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY PAURI GARHWAL, UTTARAKHAND | Aug-2020 |
37 | Talk | Data Clustering and its applications in Healthcare | TEQIP III Sponsored one week FDP on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Healthcare | Birla Institute of Technology Mesra, Ranchi Campus | Jul-2020 |
38 | Keynote | Social Spider Optimization | AICTE Sponsored Two weeks Faculty Development Program on "Soft Computing and Data Science" | C. V. Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar | Feb-2020 |
39 | Talk | Clustering Big Datasets Using Orthogonal Gray Wolf Optimizer | "18th International Conference on Information Technology (IEEE-ICIT-2019)" | IIIT Bhubaneswar | Dec-2019 |
40 | Keynote | Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Techniques | AICTE sponsored one week STTP on Theory & Appln of Machine Learning Data Analytics | C. V. Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar | Dec-2019 |
41 | Talk | Many-Objective B/NSGA-III for Band Selection in Cloud Contaminated Hyper-Spectral Images | "18th International Conference on Information Technology (IEEE-ICIT-2019)" | IIIT Bhubaneswar | Dec-2019 |
42 | Keynote | Recent advancements in Adaptive Signal Processing Techniques and Applications | Short Term Course "Research Trends in Frontier areas of Electronics & Comm. in Industry & Academia" | Department of Electronics Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Uttarakhand | Sep-2019 |
43 | Keynote | Recent advancement in Nature Inspired Clustering & its applications to communications | "TEQIP-III sponsored One Week FDP on Recent Trends in Electronics & Communication Engineering" | Institute of Engineering & Technology, Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Khandari Campus, Agra | Jul-2019 |
44 | Talk | A Binary NSGA-III for Unsupervised Band Selection in Hyper-spectral Satellite Images | "2019 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE-CEC-2019)" | Wellington, New Zealand | Jun-2019 |
45 | Talk | Clustering Networks based on Physarum Optimization for Seismic Catalogs Analysis | "2019 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE-CEC-2019)" | Wellington, New Zealand | Jun-2019 |
46 | Keynote | Design of Digital Channel Equalizer using Intelligent Algorithms | One Week FDP on New Waves in Communications & Networks | E&ICT Academy, MNIT Jaipur | Mar-2019 |
47 | Keynote | Fundamentals of Neural Network and Evolutionary Computation | DST Rajasthan sponsored "National Workshop on Artificial Intelligence with Deep Learning" | Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan (SKIT, Jaipur) | Mar-2019 |
48 | Keynote | Nature Inspired algorithms for machine learning | TEQIP-III sponsored National Workshop on "Deep Learning and Internet of Things" | Dept. of Electronics & Comm. Engg., University Institute of Engg. & Tech., Kurukshetra University | Jan-2019 |
49 | Keynote | Classical Optimization Techniques | One Week FDP on Energy and Power Systems Optimization using GAMS | E&ICT Academy, MNIT Jaipur | Jan-2019 |
50 | Talk | Elephant Herding Algorithm for Clustering | "Springer 2nd International Conf. on Computing & Communications (Springer-IC3-2018)" | Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology Sikkim | Mar-2018 |
51 | Talk | A Variable -DBSCAN Algorithm for Declustering Earthquake Catalogs | "7th International Conf. Soft Computing for Problem Solving (Springer-SocProS-2017)" | IIT Bhubaneswar | Dec-2017 |
52 | Keynote | Nature Inspired Meta-Heuristic for Data Clustering | "Springer 4th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Mining (ICCIDM-2017)" | Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT), Burla, Odisha | Nov-2017 |
53 | Talk | De-clustering of an earthquake catalog based on ergodicity using parallel Grey Wolf Optimization | "IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE-CEC-2017)" | San Sebastian, Spain | Jun-2017 |
54 | Talk | Positioning LED Panel for Uniform Illuminance in Indoor VLC System using Whale Optimization | "International Conf. on Optical and Wireless Technologies (Springer-OWT-2017)" | MNIT Jaipur | Mar-2017 |
55 | Talk | Cluster Analysis of Evolving Data Streams using Centroid Initialization Method | "IEEE 3rd International Conference UPCON" | IIT BHU (Banaras Hindu University) | Dec-2016 |